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電工學     電工實習     應用力學     能源觀點及生質能源     流體力學
工程圖學與電腦製圖     數學方法     其他
Boylestad, R. L. and L. Nashelsky, "Introduction to Electricity, Electronics, and Electromagnetics," 5th ed., Prentice-Hall
CHAPTER 02 DC Networks   作業解答(單號題)   作業解答(雙號題)
2012/09/19第一次練習      2012/09/26第二次練習      2012/10/03第三次練習     
2012/03/07第一次練習      2012/03/14第二次練習      2012/03/14第三次練習     
2011/03/02第一次練習      2011/03/09第二次練習      2011/03/09第三次練習
CHAPTER 03 Series-Parallel DC Networks, Theorems, and Storage Elements
Thevenin and Norton Theorem 補充教材(2012年)
2011年版作業解答     2012年精進版作業解答
2011/03/16第四次練習     2011/03/23第五次練習     2011/03/23第六次練習
2012/04/11第四次練習     2012/04/18第五次練習      2012/04/25第六次練習
2011/03/30第一階段考試解答     2012/03/28第一階段考試解答
CHAPTER 04 AC Networks
電容與電感的電壓與電流對照     RLC秘笈
2011年版作業解答   2012年動畫版作業解答
2011/04/27第七次練習      2011/05/04第八次練習
OrCAD 電路模擬
DC vs. AC Thevenin theorem
CHAPTER 05 AC Network Theorem(PART A)   作業解答
CHAPTER 05 Polyphase Systems(PART B)    作業解答
CHAPTER 05 Oscillator, Filter, and Resonant circuit(PART C)
2011/05/18第二階段考試解答     2012/05/16第二階段考試解答    
2011/05/25第九次練習     2011/06/01第十次練習
2012/05/23第七次練習      2012/05/23第八次練習      2012/05/30第九次練習
2012/12/12第七次練習      2012/12/19第八次練習      2012/12/26第九次練習
CHAPTER 06 Electromagnetism   作業解答
CHAPTER 05-06 補充資料
2011/06/22第三階段考試解答   2012/06/20第三階段考試解答
CHAPTER 07 Generators and Motors
CHAPTER 08 Semiconductor
CHAPTER 09 P-N Junction Diode
CHAPTER 10 Zener Diode
應用力學 Engineering Mechanics(台大生機系周楚洋老師提供 2012年)
Russell C. Hibbeler, "Engineering Mechanics," 12th ed., Pearson Education Ltd.
CHAPTER 01 General Principles
CHAPTER 02 Force Vectors
CHAPTER 03 Equilibrium of a Particle
CHAPTER 04 Force System Resultants
CHAPTER 05 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
CHAPTER 06 Structural Analysis
CHAPTER 08 Friction
CHAPTER 09 Center of Gravity and Centroid
CHAPTER 10 Moments of Inertia
CHAPTER 11 Virtual Work
CHAPTER 12 Kinematics of a Particle
CHAPTER 13 Kinetics of particles: force and acceleration
CHAPTER 14 Kinetics of particles: work and energy
CHAPTER 15 Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse and Momentum
CHAPTER 16 Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body
CHAPTER 17 Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration
CHAPTER 18 Planer Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Work and Energy
CHAPTER 19 Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Impulse and Momentum
CHAPTER 20 Mechanical Vibrations
實習作業一 基本儀器認識與使用 A
實習作業二 直流電路(I)
實習作業三 直流電路(II)
實習作業四 直流電路(III)
信號產生器(function generator)操作
實習作業五、六 電容與電感
實習作業七 諧振電路
流體力學 Fluid Mechanics
Munson, B. R., D. F. Young, and T. H. Okiishi, " Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics," 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
學習網站     課程訊息
CHAPTER 01 Introduction 流體力學簡介     閱讀測驗
□Some Characteristics of Fluids □Dimensions and Units □Analysis of Fluid Behaviors □Ideal Gas □Law Fluid Properties □Compressibility of Fluids □Vapor Pressure Surface □Tension
CHAPTER 02 Fluid Statics 流體靜力學     閱讀測驗
□Pressure at a Point □Basic Equation for Pressure Field □Pressure variation in a Fluid at Rest □Standard Atmosphere □Measurement of Pressure□Manometry □Mechanical and Electronic Pressure Measuring Devices □Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface□Pressure Prism□Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface□Buoyancy, Floating, and Stability□Rigid-Body Motion
CHAPTER 03 Elementary Fluid Dynamics 基本流體動力學     閱讀測驗
□Newton’s Second Law □F=ma Along a Streamline □F=ma Normal to a Streamline □Physical Interpretation of Bernoulli Equation □Static, Stagnation, Dynamic, and Total Pressure □Application of the Bernoulli Equation □The Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line□Restrictions on Use of the Bernoulli Equation
CHAPTER 04 Fluid Kinematics 流體運動學     閱讀測驗
□The Velocity Field □The Acceleration Field □Control Volume and System Representation □The Reynolds Transport Theorem
CHAPTER 05 Finite Control Volume Analysis 有限控制容積分析     閱讀測驗     習題解答
□Conservation of Mass □Newton’s Second Law – The Linear Momentum Equations □The Moment-of-Momentum Equations □First Law of Thermodynamics – The Energy Equation □Second Law of Thermodynamics – Irreversible Flow
CHAPTER 06 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow 流體微分分析     閱讀測驗     習題解答
□Fluid Element Kinematics □Conservation of Mass □Conservation of Linear Momentum □Inviscid Flow □Some Basic, Plane Potential Flow □Viscous flow
CHAPTER 07 Similitude, Dimensional Analysis and Modeling 相似性,因次分析與模型     閱讀測驗     習題解答
□Dimensional Analysis □Buckingham Pi Theorem □Determination of Pi Terms □Comments about Dimensional Analysis □Common Dimensionless Groups in Fluid Mechanics □Correlation of Experimental Data □Modeling and Similitude □Typical Model Studies
CHAPTER 08 Viscous Flow in Pipe 管內黏性流動     閱讀測驗     習題解答
□General Characteristics of Pipe Flow □Fully Developed Laminar Flow □Fully Developed Turbulent Flow □Dimensional Analysis of Pipe Flow □Pipe Flow Examples □Pipe Flowrate Measurement
CHAPTER 09 Flow Over Immersed Bodies 浸沒體的繞流     閱讀測驗     習題解答
□General Characteristics of External Flow □Boundary Layer Characteristics □Drag □Lift
CHAPTER 10 Open-Channel Flow     閱讀測驗
□General Characteristics of Open-Channel Flow □Surface Waves □Energy Considerations □Uniform Depth Channel Flow □Gradually Varies Flow □Rapidly Varies Flow
CHAPTER 11 Compressible Flow     閱讀測驗
□Ideal Gas Relationships □Mach Number and Speed of Sound □Categories of Compressible Flow □Isentropic Flow of an Ideal Gas □Nonisentropic Flow of an Ideal Gas □Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow
CHAPTER 12 Turbomachines     閱讀測驗
□Introduction □Basic Energy Considerations □Basic Angular Momentum Considerations □The Centrifugal Pump □Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws □Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Pumps □Fans □Turbines □Compressible Flow Turbomachines
圖學(Graphic science)是以圖畫、符號及文字表達物體形狀、大小及製造等相關事項的科學, 也是工程單位傳遞構想與交換知識的一種工具,亦可稱為圖畫語言,為工程人員必須精通的語言。
線分為粗線、中線和細線三個等級。粗線約為中線的 1.5 倍,中線約為細線的2倍。線條的絕對粗細並無硬性規定,但同一張圖所用的粗線、中線和細線必須保持一定比例。
投影幾何學為十八世紀法國數學家兼軍事工程師孟奇(Gaspard Monge)所創,是一門闡述投影原理的科學,主要為應用投影原理,探討如何在2D平面圖上表達空間物體的形狀、大小及其相互間的關係。
除了V面與H面外,如再放置一投影面與前兩者垂直相交,此投影面稱為側投影面(Profile Plane Plane,PP)或P面。側投影面置於左側時稱為左側面,置於右側時稱為右側面。
三個主要投影面外,如有需要,亦可自行設立 投影面,自行設立的投影面稱為副投影面或輔助投影面。副投影面非隨意設立,須與主要投影面之一垂直。
若點在直線上,則以任何方向看它,點的投影必然落 在直線投影上。為了避免誤判,當直線屬於水平線、正面(前平)線或側面(側平)線時,不可單憑未顯示實長投影的兩個投影視圖來判斷該點是否落在該直線上。
假想用一切割面將物體切開,將靠近觀查者的部份移走,以顯示機件內部結構,再利用正投影原 理作投影,此種視圖稱為剖視圖。內部結構較複雜的機件,如以剖視圖代替外形正投影不但較易繪製且較為清晰。
由視圖繪製物件練習     由物件繪製視圖並標註尺寸
缺視圖補視圖練習A     缺視圖補視圖練習B
缺線條補線條練習A     缺線條補線條練習B     缺線條補線條練習C
數學方法 謝志誠與江昭皚合開
謝志誠 Friedberg, S. H., A. J. Insel, and L. E. Spence, "Linear Algebra," 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003
CHAPTER 01 Vector Spaces
CHAPTER 02 Linear Transformations and Matrices
CHAPTER 03 Elementary Matrix Operations and Systems of Linear Equations
CHAPTER 04 Determinants
CHAPTER 05 Diagonalizability
CHAPTER 06 Inner Product Spaces
江昭皚 Wunsch, A. D. “Complex Variables with Applications”, 2005, 3rd ed., 台北圖書
CHAPTER 01 Complex Number
CHAPTER 02 Analytic Function of Complex Variables
CHAPTER 03 Basic Transcendental Functions of Complex Variables
CHAPTER 04 Integration in Complex Plane
CHAPTER 05 Power Series
CHAPTER 06 The Calculus of Residues
Amstead, B. H. , P. F. Ostwald and M. L. Begeman, "Manufacturing Processes," 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc.
第一章 材料簡介
第二章 鐵金屬的生產
第三章 非鐵金屬的生產
第四章 傳統鑄造方法
第五章 現代鑄造方法
第六章 熱處理
第七章 熔接
第八章 塑膠材料及加工
第九章 金屬熱加工
第十章 金屬冷加工
第十一章 粉末冶金
第十二章 衝壓工作與衝壓床
第十三章 工具機概述
第十四章 金屬切削
第十五章 工具機與切削作業
第十六章 特殊加工法
第十七章 數值控制
第十八章 製造系統
第十九章 生產計畫與管制
第二十章 ISO 9000簡介
第二十一章 ISO 9001品質保證模式
第二十二章 ISO 14000
第二十三章 半導體製造概論
第二十四章 生物技術導論
經濟部能源局(The Bureau of Energy)
國際能源總署(Internation Energy Agency, IEA)
國際再生能源總署(International Renewable Energy Agency, IREA)
Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology: BIOFUELS
Galbe, M. and G.Zacchi. 2007. Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials for Efficient Bioethanol Production. In “Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology: Biofuels“, ed. L. Olsson, 41-65. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Chandra, R. P., R. Bura, W. E. Mabee, A. Berlin, X. Pan, and J. N. Saddler. 2007. Substrate Pretreatment: The Key to Effective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosics? In “Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology: Biofuels“, ed. L. Olsson, 67-93. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Merino, S. T. and J. Cherry. 2007.Progress and Challenges in Enzyme Development for Biomass Utilization. In “Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology: Biofuels“, ed. L. Olsson, 95-120. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
        前處理方法(Pretreatment methods)
        排毒方法(Detoxification methods)
        分開酵素水解與醱酵製程(Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation)
        同步醣化與醱酵製程(Simultaneous sccharification and fermentation)
    總固體含量(Total solids content in solid material)
    醣含量(Carbohydrates content)
    酸不可溶木質素含量(Acid insoluble lignin Content)
    酸可溶木質素含量(Acid soluble lignin content,ASL)
    灰分含量(Ash content)
    萃取物含量(Extractive content)
    醯基含量(O-Acyl group content)
    總固體含量(Total solids content in slurry and liquid process samples)
    總溶解固體含量(Total dissolved solids content in slurry and liquid process samples)
    不可溶固體含量(Insoluble solids content)
    單醣與纖維雙醣含量(Monomeric sugars/Cellobiose content)
    副產品與降解產物含量(Byproducts /Degradation products content)
    乙醇濃度(Ethanol concentration)
    還原醣濃度(Reducing sugars concentration)
Yang, B., A. Boussaid, S. D. Mansfield, D. J. Gregg, J. N. Saddler. 2002. Fast and efficient peroxide treatment to enhance the enzymatic digestibility of steam-exploded softwood substrate. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 77(6): 678-684.
Cara, C., E. Ruiz, I. Ballesteros, M. J. Negro, E. Castro. 2006. Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of olive tree wood by steam explosion and alkaline peroxide delignification. Process Biochemistry 41: 423–429.
Cara, C., M. Moya, I. Ballesteros, M. J. Negro, A. Gonz?lez, E. Ruiz. 2007. Influence of solid loading on enzymatic hydrolysis of steam exploded or liquid hot water pretreated olive tree biomass. Process Biochemistry 42: 1003-1009.
Chen, M., M., J. Zhao, L. Xia. 2008. Enzymatic hydrolysis of maize straw polysaccharides for the production of reducing sugars. Carbohydrate Polymers 71: 411–415.
Mohammed, M. 1996b. Saccharification and alcohol fermentation of steam-exploded rice straw. Bioresource Technology 55: 111-117.
Eklund, R, M. Galbe, G. Zacchi. 1995. The influence of SO2 and H2S04 impregnation of willow prior to steam pretreatment. Bioresource Engineering 52: 225-229.
Ballesteros, I., M. Ballesteros, A. Cabanns, J. Carrasco, C. Martin, M. J. Negro, F. Saez, R. Saez. 1991. Selection of thermotolerant yeasts for simulataneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of cellulose to ethanol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 28/29: 307-315.
    油脂原料之前處理(Pretreatment - Refining)
    醇與催化劑之混合(Mixing of alcohol and catalyst)
    分離 (Separation)
    醇移除與回收(Alcohol Removal and Recovery)
    甘油純化(Glycerin Purification)
    生質柴油水洗(Methyl Ester Wash)
Bioethanol to Hydrocarbon / Gasoline 論文導讀
Chang, C. D., A. J. Silvestri, R. L. Smith, 1975. Production of gasoline hydrocarbons. US Patent 3,928,483.
Chang, C. D. and A. J. Silvestri. 1977. The Conversion of Methanol and Other O-Compounds to Hydrocarbons over Zeolite Catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 47:249-259.
Chang, C. D., J. C. W. Kuo, W. H. Lang, S. M. Jacob, J. J. Wise, A. J. Silvestri. 1978. Process stuides on the conversion of methanol to gasoline. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 17(3): 255-260.
Derouane, E. G., J. B. Nagy, P. Dejaifve, J. H. C. Van Hooff, B. P. Speakman, J. C. Vjzdrine, C. Naccache, 1978. Elucidation of the Mechanism of Conversion of Methanol and Ethanol to Hydrocarbons on a New Type of Synthetic Zeolite. Journal of Catalysis 53: 40-55.
Whitcraft, D. R., X. E. Verykios, R. Mutharasan, 1983. Recovery of ethanol from fermentation broths by catalytic conversion to gasoline. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 22: 452-457.
Costa, E., A. Uguina, J. Aguado, P. J. Hernandez, 1985. Ethanol to gasoline process: Effect of Variables, Mechanism, and Kinetics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design 24(2): 239-244.
Schulz, J., F. Bandermann, 1993. Conversion of Ethanol over Metal-exchanged Zeolites. Chemical Engineering & Technology 16:332-337.
Schulz, J., F. Bandermann, 1994. Conversion of Ethanol over Zeolite H-ZSM-5. Chemical Engineering & Technology 17:179-186.
Gayubo, A. G., P. L. Benito, A. T. Aguayo, M. Olazar, J. Bilbao, 1996a. Relationship between surface aciditv and activity of catalysts in the transforhation of methanol into hydrocarbons. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 65:186-192.
Benito, P. L., A. G. Gayubo, A. T. Aguayo, M. Olazar, J. Bilbao, 1996b. Effect of Si/Al ratio and of acidity of H-ZSM5 zeolites on the primary- products of methanol to gasoline conversion. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 66:183-191.
Talukdar, A. K., K. G. Bhattacharyya, S. Sivasanker, 1997. HZSM-5 catalysed conversion of aqueous ethanol to hydrocarbons. Applied Catalysis A General 148: 357-371.
Aguayo, A. T., A. G Gayubo, A. M. Tarrio, A. Atutxa, J. Bilbao, 2002. Study of operating variables in the transformation of aqueous ethanol into hydrocarbons on an HZSM-5 zeolite. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 77: 211-216.
Takahara, I., M. Saito, M. Inaba, K. Murata, 2005. Dehydration of ethanol into ethylene over solid acid catalysts. Catalysis Letters 105(3-4):249-252.
Takahara, I., M. Saito, M. Inaba, K. Murata. 2005. Dehydration of ethanol into ethylene over solid acid catalysts. Catalysis Letters 105(3–4): 249-252.
Inaba, M., K. Murata , M. Saito, I. Takahar, 2006. Ethanol conversion to aromatic hydrocarbons over several zeolite catalysts. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 88(1): 135-142.
Takahara, I., M. Saito, H. Matsuhashi, M. Inaba, K. Murata, 2007. Increase in the number of acid sites of a H-ZSM5 zeolite during the dehydration of ethanol. Catalysis Letters 113(3-4):82-85.
Murata, K., M. Inaba, I. Takaha, 2008. Effects of surface modification of H-ZSM-5 catalysts on direct transformation of ethanol into lower olefins. Journal of Japan Petroleum Institute 51(4): 234-239.
Ausavasukhi, A. and T. Sooknoi. 2009. Additional Bronsted acid sites in [Ga]HZSM-5 formed by the presence of water. Applied Catalysis A: General 361: 93–98.
Ferreira Madeira, F., N. S. Gnep, P. Magnoux, S. Maury, N. Cadran, 2009. Ethanol transformation over HFAU, HBEA and HMFI zeolites presenting similar Br?nsted acidity. Applied Catalysis A: General 367:39–46.
Gujar, A. C., V. K. Guda, M. Nolan, Q. Yan, H. Toghiania. M. G. White. 2009. Reactions of methanol and higher alcohols over H-ZSM-5. Applied Catalysis A: General 363:115-121.
Inaba, M., K.Murata, I. Takahara, 2009. Effect of Fe-loading and reaction temperature on the production of olefins from ethanol by Fe/H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 97: 19-26.
Johansson, R., S. L. Hruby, J. R. Hansen, C, H. Christensen. 2009. The Hydrocarbon Pool in Ethanol-to-Gasoline over HZSM-5 Catalysts. Catalysis Letters 127: 1-6.
Makarfi, Y. I., M. S. Yakimova, A. S. Lermontov, V. I. Erofeev, L. M. Koval, V. F. Tretiyakov, 2009. Conversion of bioethanol over zeolites. Chemical Engineering Journal. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2009.06.001
Mentzel, U. V., S. Shunmugavel, S. L. Hruby, C. H. Christensen, M. S. Holm. 2009. High Yield of Liquid Range Olefins Obtained by Converting i-Propanol over Zeolite H-ZSM-5. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(46):17009-13.
Ramesh, K., L. M. Hui, Y. F. Han, A. Borgna, 2009. Structure and reactivity of phosphorous modified H-ZSM-5 catalysts for ethanol dehydration. Catalysis Communications 10:567–571.
Bi, J., X. Guo, M. Liu, X. Wang. 2010. High effective dehydration of bio-ethanol into ethylene over nanoscale HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts. Catalysis Today 149: 143–147.