總溶解固體含量(Total dissolved solids content ) Facebook Plurk Twitter

        漿狀物(Slurry)或液體部分(Liquid fraction)之總溶解固體含量係指先通過0.8/0.2µm過濾頭(Syringe filter)之漿狀物,於105ºC下烘乾至恆重後殘留下來之部分。常用來測量物料固體含量之方法有Convection oven procedure與Infrared moisture analyzer procedure。採用Convection oven procedure者,其步驟如下:

  • 量測預先乾燥過之Aluminum foil weighing dish重量Weight of dish W1。
  • 將待測之漿狀物或液體部分充分攪拌,並通過0.8/0.2µm過濾頭(Syringe filter),取3~10 g之樣品置於Weighing dish上,並量測樣品與Weighing dish之總重Weight of sample after 0.8/0.2 µm filtration plus dish W2。
  • 將樣品與Weighing dish一起放入對流式烤箱(Convection oven)中,於105ºC下烘烤至恆重(Constant weight)。
  • 將樣品與Weighing dish從烤箱中移出,放在乾燥皿(Desiccator)上,冷卻至室溫。
  • 量測烘乾後樣品與Weighing dish之總重Weight of oven-dried sample plus dish W3。
  • 計算樣品之重量:Weight of sample as received W4= Weight of sample after 0.8/0.2 µm filtration plus dish W2-Weight of dish W1。
  • 計算樣品之烘乾後重量:Weight of oven-dried sample W5=Weight of oven-dried sample plus dish W3-Weight of dish W1。
  • 計算總溶解固體含量 % Total dissolved solids =